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NAR's Code of Ethics Requirement:

The National Association of REALTORS® Code of Ethics Requirement:

REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®.

Training may be completed through NAR’s online courses or through another method, such as online or classroom courses via local / state associations.


The current Code of Ethics (“COE”) Cycle is # 7 and it is between 1/1/2022 and 12/31/2024.


To VERIFY if you have or have not submitted proof that you have taken an approved class, you can go to NAR.REALTOR to see what they show you have provided them.


We want to give you more that a year's notice that this needs to be completed.  You will have no excuse if you have not taken one (and provided proof of taking it) by the end of 2024.

In order to maintain your REALTOR® Membership you are required to take a Code of Ethics class once in every three-year cycle as outlined by the National Association of REALTORS® ("NAR").  The current cycle (Cycle 7 which covers Jan 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2024) will soon be due.  Failure to submit and show proof of taking an Approved Code of Ethics class will mean losing your REALTOR® membership and all of its benefits until you are in compliance.

The consequences for failure to complete and provide proof that you have completed it can be found here:


If you think you have taken a Code of Ethics Class and NAR and GIFAR does not have record of it, then you have the option of looking on the Idaho Real Estate Commissions site to see if they have a record of you having taken one. What this means is you may have taken one through another Education Provider and all you need to do is provide a Certificate of Completion to .


Here is how you can check:

On IREC Search under your EDUCATION and see if you have taken a Ethics class between the January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024 time frame.  If you have then you will need to submit the course Completion Certificate to the Association ( ) and we can enter it into NAR's data base.



If you haven't taken one, then you can -

1) take one for CE Credit and submit the "Course Completion Certificate" to GIFAR

2) take NAR's FREE Online class (that DOES NOT count for CE Credit)

3) take NAR's PAID CE Credit Code of Ethics course (you will then need to provide IREC with the Certificate of Completion.)

Please ask Ryan at GIFAR for any help with any of the three options.


NAR's FREE online Code of Ethics class (no CE credit) can be accessed here:

(Most of you will need to take the one for an EXISTING MEMBER - Not a NEW Member!)



Note: COE taken on NAR.REALTOR is Automatically Recorded as NAR is the entity who requires COE. Courses taken ANYWHERE Else HAVE to be reported to GIFAR with a Certificate of Completion so that GIFAR can report it to NAR.


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